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The Land of Waterfalls

Sliding Rock. It's not cold....NOT!!!!!

Sliding Rock... Is it cold at the bottom? YES!

Brevard is called the Land of Waterfalls for a very good reason.   We have tons and tons of waterfalls!  Come by Pisgah Forest Gem Mine and we will give you a FREE map and tell you how to get to all of the popular falls and a few that only the local know.  Come by today and let us help you set up a WaterFall Tour.   In the mean time, enjoy some pictures from some our our families waterfall and trail hikes.

We are selling tubes $7.99 and you don't have to worry about returning them!

Call (828) 367-8330 for more information

Tubing on the Davidson River is great fun! Come gem mining before or after your day on the river. We will save you a bucket of gems or a bag of gold at Pisgah Forest Gem Mine. Tubing, Ice Cream, Gem Mining and Gold Panning! What a day in the mountains.
Davidson River Tubing

If you would like to rent a tube, stop by Davidson River Tubing and rent them for $8 per day


Triple Falls- DuPont State Forest

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